About LarsonCalculus.com
The Larson Calculus companion website offers a robust selection of resources and tools to assist students in their study of calculus.
Click to learn more about each feature:
- Worked-out solutions for odd-numbered exercises
View worked-out solutions to all odd-numbered exercises in the text (through CalcChat.com).
- Proof videos presented by co-author Bruce Edwards
Watch co-author Bruce Edwards review theorems and their proofs from Calculus 10th Edition.
- Instructional videos presented by Dana Mosely
Watch instructor Dana Mosely explain various calculus concepts.
- Interactive examples to explore Calculus concepts
Explore calculus by manipulating functions, variables, etc. and observing the results.
- Rotatable 3D graphs to enhance viewing of equations
Manipulate 3D graphs to view mathematical equations from various angles.
- Printable graph worksheets for graphing exercises
Complete graphing exercises using easy-to-use printable worksheets (available through MathGraphs.com).
- Editable spreadsheets to solve data problems
Use real data in editable spreadsheet format to solve problems.
- Relevant articles from renowned math journals
Explore mathematical concepts through related math articles (available through MathArticles.com).
- Biographies of men and women that created calculus
Learn more about the history behind the people instrumental in creating calculus.
- Algebra Help
Algebra help videos and self progress checks